Saturday, April 9, 2011


A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure of experiencing what the emergency room doctor thought to be a gallbladder attack. While I do fall under two of the three "you are more likely to have this wrong with you" factors, I never even thought the tightness, pressure, difficulty breathing and odd pain would have anything to do with my gallbladder, let alone knew what the hell it did before that night. Apparently, fertile women usually beyond their thirties are common victims of gallbladder issues, but it can happen to anyone in the form of a one time attack (a spasm usually triggered by something), gallstones (calcified bile) or even a rupture.

They drugged me up and sent me home with instructions to eat blandly and decrease my fat intake. The funny thing is that I was eating a damn salad at the time the "attack" happened. So I've been doing some googling here and there to see what might be up with this gallbladder thing. Some websites were trying to sell miracle gallstone cleanse crap, others were legit medical professionals describing the surgery process and I even came across one article about how the removal of the gallbladder should be avoided at all costs because it's maladies can be treated in other ways.

One of those other ways is through certain foods, or so I've read. Pretty much if it's green, you can eat it. Beets, endive, zucchini, celery, etc. Citrus, apple and grape juices are also recommended, as is getting enough water every day. A good friend of mine goes by the "half your body weight in ounces" rule, which is a lot for me, but I'm trying. One website had a soup recipe, which I snapped a screen-cap of on my phone for future reference.

I bought all of the stuff, including some other essential items, last week at Albertson's. I've been having some pains here and there that are similar to the attack, so I figured I should get around to making it. The back of my fridge is apparently very cold, so I had to trim the frozen parts of the celery off. I used my Pampered Chef Micro Cooker to steam each vegetable separately, which made me regret not buying the larger one last order. I drained the excess water each time and dumped it all into my amazing blender and pressed the soup button. My blender overheated the last time I used it so I stopped it before it was done, but it was thoroughly soupy. I busted out my funnel and an old apple juice bottle I had washed out and set aside and now it's living in my fridge, waiting to be consumed over the next couple days.

I am a little perturbed that the blender is overheating to begin with, given they can blend up iPads and shit, so I'm registering it as we speak and contacting support as soon as I'm done typing this. Here's to my gallbladder's health and my blender's functionality!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


The night before last, I dreamt I had invisible nipples on my knees and every time I bent them, they would lactate. I've got problems.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Employment Proposition

After toning circle at the library tonight, Sarah and I were bad and we went to Sonic for greasy burgers and fried things. While placing my order, I started to tell them I wanted a Sonic Size tater tot, buy interrupted myself and asked, "What are the sizes on the tots again?" The guy responded, "Small, medium or large." I said, "Yeah that's right. I used to work at Sonic back when there was a Sonic Size. I'll take a large." The guy said something about working for them for like 16 years and I shared a smidge of my history, mostly explaining that working there made me very particular about how I liked some things, and I went on with the order. The carhop delivered and we were tearing into the bag o tasty and the manager, who was the guy on the speaker, came out and we chatted some more. I showed him my flare I still have in my car. Then he was all like "So what are you doing now?" and "We are always looking for enthusiastic people with experience." I told him my only hold ups would be my availibility only within daycare hours and time off for the vaca back home, which he eagerly told me he could work around all that and said I should roll back by and fill out an app sometime. I asked him to grab me one and told him I would chat with the hubby. Hub's response was something along the lines of, "remember how picky you are about the way things are ran and the people you work with." I probably got my store manager and assistant manager fired for taking out the 16 year old carhops and getting them trashed on school nights when they were tellig their mommies they were working when I was the only one there. Maybe I was a little antsy with the carhop/fountain division in Winfield that was causing food to just sit on the trays while people inside stood around with their thumbs up their ass. I may have been pissed off at the last Sonic I worked at because I was making less than when I started four years before that, so I just stopped showing up when they refused to try and get me more. In theory, if this dude has been working for Sonic for 16 years, he should know how to operate the store by now. I think I will go in and chat with him sometime

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Dream Log

I was running across a field on what seemed like a road, sidewalk or maybe even a dirt path. The wind was blowing like crazy, bending all sorts of different trees over at ridiculously impossible angles. I say all sorts of trees because they were trees that shouldn't have been together; coniferous, deciduous and palms. As I was running, I was worried about the trees uprooting and hitting me. I neared a hallway towards a building type thing that looked more like a bunker from Jurassic Park than any normal building. It had a glass door I couldn't see through that I had to push to get through. I pushed the door with ease because the angular cement on each side of me blocked the wind. On the other side, there was a beach. It was sunny, but the wind was even worse. It was forming a cyclone in the nook in front of the door, sort of like a giant version of a similar phenomena that occurred at select doorways in and out of my grade school. As the swirling wind got more pronounced and louder, similar to a tornado, I tried to get back through the glass door to the other side, but found I could not open the door.

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