Thursday, October 3, 2013

Reboot - the night before

No, I'm not talking about the television show! Although, the recent news with that is AWESOME!

After watching the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" I decided to consider the idea of doing a juice fast myself. Sixty days was a bit extreme, not to mention impossible given the impending move, but I poked around on the website and found a couple different plans. They say you feel like crap for the first few days, so I decided a 3 or 7 day plan wouldn't be sufficient to get out of the part no one likes. The next listed was a 10 day followed by a 15 day. Well, if I was going to go for 10, I might as well kick it on up to 15, right? I talked to Troy about it the next day and he was down for doing it too. A few days passed, filled with online reading, equipment pricing and juice experiments with my KitchenAid stand mixer, and I was less excited about the process. It took too long to juice using my mixer attachments and the juicers that are "the best" cost an arm and a leg. Now, I've got a sweet blender, but it would be an entirely different process to blend the plan, along with an entirely different shopping list. Payday arrived and I went to the store to do the regular shopping, having decided the juice thing would have to wait.!

Then I found a cheap juicer, a Black & Decker to be exact, that had decent online reviews, some even from people doing a Reboot themselves. I had saved the plan PDF to my phone, so off I went to the vegetable aisle. By the time I got everything on the list, the cart was full to the brim and crazy heavy. I'm sure I looked like a nut job buying 60 carrots, 4 acorn squash, 4 giant bags of chopped kale, 3 bags of apples and LOADS more. I told the lady at the register she should just keep her veggie cheat sheet out and that I was really from corporate and this was a test. Along with the juicer and the first 5 days of groceries, I bought a couple things for Lilah (still gotta feed her real food) and some fancy bottles for our juices to be consumed from. Grand total, just under $200 and I'm pretty happy with that! We tried out the juicer after we unloaded all the groceries into the fridge and pantry. I was worried it wouldn't all fit, but it worked!

So happy fridge was happy and we had a couple days of putzing through what we still had in our fridge (top left shelf). This afternoon, I decided tomorrow was the day. I put some potatoes on to boil and began the prep for breakfast tomorrow; Berry Apple Cinnamon Bake. After slicing up 2 pounds of strawberries and 4 apples, I decided we would not be starving on this diet for sure! There's probably even enough to feed Lilah out of the gooey warmness that came out of the oven 45 later. I put it in a resealable container and tossed it in the fridge. The potatoes were mashed and seasoned and I decided that I wanted just those for dinner. A nice comfort food before I eat like a starving rabbit for the next week.

Hub helped me juice tomorrow's morning and afternoon snack for each of us, Carrot Apple Ginger juice. (We'll be juicing the next day's snack juices the night before.) I probably should've bought a real ginger root instead of the squeeze tube (see previous post about the awesome that is squeeze herbs) but we're not big on ginger anyway, so I'm making it work. Lunch will be a giant salad (like 3c lettuce with at least 4 additional veggies added in) and sweet potato and carrot "fries" (baked). Dinner will be a Kale Avocado Salad with Vinaigrette, more "fries" and a side of Sautéed Greens with Garlic. I'll make the "fries" in the morning and the vinaigrette right before dinner. I'm excited to make the vinaigrette up to have it ready, as lunch Saturday is the kale salad again, but with a Raw Carrot Ginger Soup. I have to make my first hot soup, the Green Detox Soup, for dinner, along with "Roasted Acorn Squash Stuffed with Mushroom and Sage" for the next two days. Then I have to turn around and make the Squash Apple Soup for Sunday's lunch. Luckily, I think I can just do all the squash cooking together, so it won't be too bad! I heard lots of people complain about the prep taking a long time and there being so much food. Hopefully, with my partner in crime, we can knock things out.!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and let me know if you have any questions, have any kind words of support or want to start your own Reboot! I'd love to help!

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